Perl Catalyst - VBox Network Configuration on Ubuntu

In my previous post regarding PerlCatalyst tutorial setup I mentioned about setting up a virtual machine inside a virtual machine. I didn’t provide you with much information regarding how I did it because all the tutorials related to that is already available online. Pasting the links below: Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::01_Intro But I had a serious problem with my virtual box inside a virtual box. Not so serious actually, just that it stopped me from proceeding ahead because of my ignorance of network configuration. The tutorial says that after downloading the virtual machine for the tutorial and setting it up as mentioned in the website, I could start using it as a server and log into it using ssh from my host computer. But for some reason the VM (virtual machine) provided by Catalyst just had a loopback network configuration. It wouldn’t show me a proper ip address to which I could connect to. And hence I had no way of connecting to this new tutorial virtual machine that I started from within an Ubuntu Virtual machine. I played around with the network configuration of VBox for a couple of hours trying out the different settings provided: ...

February 9, 2014 · 6 min · 1112 words

Perl Catalyst Tutorial needs us to download a virtual machine

I was trying to explore more about how and where Perl is used on the web. I figured out that there are a lot of web frameworks that are based on Perl. Catalyst seems to be a nice MVC framework that is really popular. I thought I’d take some time off to learn more about it. And I downloaded all the necessary packages and modules and then went on to check out the tutorial which is posted here: Catalyst Tutorial. I am already using Ubuntu on a virtual machine. My laptop came pre-loaded with Windows 8. And I’ve upgraded it to Windows 8.1. I always wanted to own a Linux laptop. But thinking about the lack of availability of games, I chose Windows over Linux. But I still can’t avoid using Linux as I always use it at work. Though recently I made a move to a windows based development team, which still has some code on non-windows based boxes. ...

February 9, 2014 · 2 min · 305 words

emacs - Why do I use it?

Over the past few years, the only text editor I’ve been using on Linux is emacs. Not because I wanted to. But after I joined the firm that I currently work for, I was trained in emacs. And I found it difficult to use initially. But then I decided that if every one else in the firm could use it and become an expert, then so can I. So I spend some time with the built-in emacs tutorial and I just learned it really quick. ...

February 9, 2014 · 4 min · 643 words

Perl module installation - Ubuntu

Ever wondered how to install a Perl module from CPAN: sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install ModuleName'

February 5, 2014 · 1 min · 16 words