EF Core

Entity Framework Core 3.1 - Part 2

In my previous post, we talked looked at an introduction into entity framework core 3. Read and Write Data As I mentioned in the earlier one, I don’t really like writing posts that take longer than 10 minutes to read. It is just too much information. So let us continue with the next part. To learn more about entity framework mappings always refer to this amazing course on Pluralsight titled: Entity Framework Core 2: Mappings, by Julie Lerman...

October 25, 2020 · 9 min · 1825 words · eakangk
EF Core

Entity Framework Core 3.1 - Part 1

What is this about? This post is one of many in a series of posts on Entity Framework Core. I have attempted to summarise what I learned while working with Entity Framework Core, from stackoverflow answers, to entity framework official docs to courses on pluralsight. In this journey, I found, the pluralsight course, Entity Framework Core: Getting Started by @julielerman most useful. As someone who spent the past few years primarily on managing people, I missed out a lot on the tech side of things....

October 25, 2020 · 9 min · 1836 words · eakangk
.NET Core and Docker

Putting a .NET Core app in a container

I have been very busy learning new stuff this weekend. Moving to a new team, new tech stack and not enough time to get a feel for what is actually involved before we get our hands dirty! So in an earlier post I discussed docker and containerisation. Here is an example .NET Core App with its Dockerfile that I created while following the docs. https://github.com/lonelydev/dotnet-core-docker It is really easy. What I am yet to try though is actually deploying this using a pipeline in azure devops....

October 4, 2020 · 1 min · 97 words · eakangk