Domain Driven Design

Why Domain Driven Design

Feature Image by Overview of Domain-Driven Design. Source The DDD Community 2019, pp 6. This is my understanding of the importance of DDD having read books and articles and attended courses on it and also having how projects can get really complex over time and unmaintainable with little knowledge of the domain from personal experience. How does software development look like? Software development is a very unique profession. You almost always create software to solve a real world problem in a very specific domain....

April 8, 2021 · 12 min · 2403 words · eakangk

Good Bye Wordpress. Hello Hugo on Azure Storage

In May 2020, having realised that my role at work had stabilised a bit, I decided to get back to blogging again. I had learned so much over the years and had not really made an effort to share any of it. Not that I have a million followers waiting to read what I share. But for me, it meant, having to think about what I learned again and explain it in a way that another person can understand....

April 4, 2021 · 12 min · 2519 words · eakangk

Web API Versioning

Back-end developers quite often find themselves thinking about making breaking changes to their API. A change that could break the client application consuming the API. We quite often forget how easy it is to cause havoc for our clients by breaking the contract we agreed between front-end and back-end. All sorts of unintentional consequences could arise from this. We recently had a similar conversation at my workplace about how we wanted to deal with the release of a feature we had been working on in the last sprint....

March 12, 2021 · 1 min · 206 words · eakangk

Managing a team

Featured Image by Austin Distel on Unsplash The title of this post is a bit vague. I agree it doesn’t give away much. Having managed teams since 2015ish, I have finally come to realise that as managers, one must make sure that their team members have an environment to thrive. A place where they can grow, be stretched just enough to feel proud of their achievement and not too much where they feel, work is taking over their life....

March 3, 2021 · 5 min · 1009 words · eakangk
Azure Functions

Azure Functions - Overview and tutorial

I have been building and deploying Azure functions at work and it is really exciting. However, due to the time constraints, we often have to learn just enough to build the solution. And this makes me sad 😢 because I like learning things in depth and understanding every detail. So my solution was to create a tutorial with information to help anyone understand Azure Functions. So I created a github repository just for this....

January 24, 2021 · 1 min · 207 words · eakangk