
Node - Get started

What is it? For a really simple introduction, check out my earlier post on an Introduction to Node and npm. Node is a javascript runtime environment outside your browser. It is a program that embeds Chrome’s V8 engine into a command line executable that lets you run javascript. You can download and install it from Nodejs.Org So what? Node comes with a package manager - npm, node package manager. that allows you to publish and download packages from npmjs....

December 6, 2020 · 4 min · 766 words · eakangk

Node and npm: The intro I wish, I got when I began web development

There are times in life, when you begin doing something without fully understanding it, simply because, at that point, you didn’t have the luxury to dig deeper, go further and be in a position where you could explain to a 5 year old, what it is really like to do what you were doing. I have been in this position several times. A lot of times, software development for me has been a journey of reverse engineering, or figuring things backwards....

December 6, 2020 · 4 min · 709 words · eakangk
Application Insights in DotNetCore

Application Insights, SeriLog and .NET Core

I realised recently that I have always taken application logging for granted. In my previous firm, which was a pretty large company, over a few thousand employees, we had a centralised logging platform and some lovely packages for each language and a team to configure the logging instance for our application and all that luxury. Developers, did just application development. For everything else, there was always somebody you could lean on....

November 28, 2020 · 13 min · 2733 words · eakangk

Feature Toggles

How many times have you as a software engineer worked on a large feature, in an isolated branch that only got merged to the mainline branch when it is time to actually release the feature and then struggled for hours and sometimes days with the merge conflicts, simply because many other changes were contributed to the main branch in the meanwhile? If your answer is many times, then you really might benefit from this....

November 8, 2020 · 2 min · 288 words · eakangk

A static responsive website as an Azure AppService

I have been working on a simple responsive website that would serve as an online address for my dog-walking/boarding service. This being my first ever official side-hustle as a registered company, it took pretty long to even get here. Registering a private limited company was also an adventure. But I wanted to experience. This isn’t like a full blown venture intended to become the leader in pet services or anything. We just love dogs and would love to do something that would be different from software....

October 31, 2020 · 7 min · 1290 words · eakangk